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Our Services
Website Design and Development

Beautiful and creative website designs and graphic designs are offered to give customers satisfaction. Together with the best high technology and services, we also give advice and consult with the customers to meet their requirements.


Japanese Language Center

Today is the best time to learn Japanese Language and many Japanese Companies are now coming to Myanmar for investment. We mainly aim to teach the students to be really proficient in Japanese Literature and Speaking.


  • Japanese Classes are organized and taught by Myanmar teacher who lived in Japan over 10 years, learnt about education at Nagoya University, Aichi University of Education, Nanzan University and has well teaching experiences of Public School in Japan.
  • Japanese Language Courses
  • Business Japanese Language Courses
  • English Language Courses

  • Introducing with Japanese Organizations and Companies
  • Finding jobs
  • Helping and giving advices for people who want to go to Japan for further study
  • Helping to send Myanmar People to Japan for training purpose and giving scholarship
  • Giving services in observing businesses and schools in Myanmar
  • Assisting to make investment in Myanmar (Various services are provided to those who want to establish a new Company in Myanmar)
  • Searching for the office room to rent
  • Finding staffs who can speak Japanese
  • Giving translation and guide services in going to observe businesses in Myanmar
  • Recruiting staffs (finding staffs by advertising in newspaper, pamphlets and giving translation services during interviews)
  • Providing recruitment services to those companies that want people who are proficient in software development

Introduction of young people in Myanmar

Kang san, Hello. My name is Minkanzo. I'm 20 years old now. The Japanese Language Proficiency Test has passed N2. I have been deeply interested in Japanese and Japanese culture for some time and I thought that I would definitely go to Japan someday. So I decided to quit my college and began studying Japanese focusing on my second grader. However, with general household income, knowing that studying abroad at a Japanese university is very difficult, especially in terms of money. At such time, I met Japanese OKITA teacher at MJBD office. He was a very kind teacher who explained various things in order to make it easier for students to understand, and lost the anxiety I had. The teacher told me, 'In order to study in Japan, I feel more caring than money, a feeling that I want to work hard, and above all my kind heart is the most important thing.' It is not easy to study abroad in Japan though there is no money. However, the Japanese OKITA teacher did it properly, so I can study abroad in Japan. For a while I taught Japanese to my young people in Myanmar at MJBD Japanese Language School. It was an experience I could have for myself. Young people who are honest, kind and willing to work hard without studying money studying at MJBD JAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL and working in the welfare facilities in Japan as a representative of Myanmar country in the future, as a bridge between Myanmar and Japan Let's contribute to both countries. That will lead to treasuring families in Myanmar, such as dads and mothers.

Su, san, Hello. I am Sujinthun. I am 25 years old. I have N2. It was my dream to go to Japan and study. However, going to Japan costs a lot of money. I could not easily do it for me who was born in a normal family. My dream came true since I met Professor Ryoda from MJBD. When studying abroad from MJBD to Japan, in Myanmar, money does not have to be prepared at all. However, in order to go to Japan, two conditions are necessary. It can do if you have a 'heart that works hard' towards the goal, 'a gentle heart' that cherishes the family and senior citizens of Myanmar people. My challenge is now to come, but I will be able to work in Japan in the future, learn and send me off.

It is Pyotto. I passed N2 in the JLPT exam in December 2017. The score was less than I had anticipated, but I am very happy because I was able to pass. It has been 4 years now since I started studying Japanese with Japanese animation as a trigger. I studied N3 level and then studied N2 at school MJBD. Classes are held once a week, but the teacher made various reference materials, explained and taught me many things I do not understand. In the beginning of 2017, I was studying grammar only. After meeting Professor Oda with MJBD in July, I tried to remember vocabulary every day with the feeling that 'N2 must pass absolutely'. One word the teacher wrote in my homework book became my strength. Thanks to my teacher, we have passed N2. My teacher, thank you very much.

I am a tartar aun. This March 3 has an office in downtown Yangon until I was teaching Japanese at MJBD. And in April 4, I will study abroad at Subaru Japanese Language School in Gifu Prefecture in Japan to master Japanese more, and I will learn Japanese I made it. Some of the graduates of Subaru are students going on to study at the National University of Japan 'Gifu Gifu University'. I hopefully tried hard and tried my best to pass the Gifu Gifu University to work not only in Japanese but also in Japanese history, culture, customs and customs In addition, we have experienced various experiences at Gifu, and in future we plan to contribute internationally so that each bridge to Myanmar can be brought to Japan one by one I hope he wants to fulfill his dream dreams. If you are interested in studying abroad in Japan like me, please contact MJBD. Let 's make your dreams come true with MJBD' s staff. MJBD contact contacts: 09-2623-02069

I was able to pass JLPT's N3, which was a wishful idea. In general, Myanmar people are not good at exams of 'conversation' and 'listening comprehension'. I was not good at 'listening' and 'conversation' in the same way. Especially before I took the N3 exam this time I was very anxious as to whether I could 'listen'. I had the opportunity to talk with the Japanese so far, but I became nervous all the time and could not talk about anything. At such time, Mr. Rain Aung Moh introduced Japanese teacher Dojuto, and I was to learn Japanese for 3 months from my teacher. Then, after a while, I became able to understand 'conversation' and 'listening comprehension', and I was able to receive 'listening comprehension' which I was not good at examination without worrying about. I think that learning by Japanese teachers is a quick way to master Japanese. If you talk with Japanese people all over the world, you will become accustomed to nature and Japanese, and we will improve 'conversation' and 'listening comprehension' unnoticed. I am thankful to Mr. Ikuta for taking care of LPT's N3 test this time. Thank you very much. I will continue to do my best to improve my Japanese further.

私の名前はハンジンウーと申します。20歳です。JLPT の N3 に合格してい ます。私は今年の 3月 26 日に日本に留学します。この MJBD 学校は日本に 留学するために、いろいろ手伝ってくれます。だから皆さんは心配しないで 日本に留学できます。MJBD からの留学の特色は、将来5年間日本の福祉施 設で働くという条件で、自分のお金は全然使わなくとも日本に留学できるこ とです。日本の大学の2年間で福祉介護士の免許を取れば、日本人と同じ給 与がいただけ、ミャンマーに仕送りもできます。バイトをすることになる老 人介護については、これからミャンマーにとっても大切になる時代がやって 来ます。皆さんも日本に行くことは心配しないで、このチャンスに MJBD 学 校と連絡をとって自分の夢の一歩をかなえてください。

私の名前 は イピューアウンと申します。今 24 歳 です。 私は 2017 年 12 月に 日本語 能力試験 N 3 レベルを合格しました。私は N 4 レベルを合格した後、MJBD 日本語学校に通って日本語の勉強をしました。 その時 MJBD 日本語学校で、日本 語が上手な人ならミャンマーでお金を準備しないでも、日本へ行ってさらに日本語を 勉強するチャンスがあることを知りました。もちろんミャンマーでも日本でも様々な 手続きがありましたが、しかしそのほとんどは MJBD 学校で、私たちに代わって手 続きしてくれました。そのおかげで、私は 2018 年 3 月 26 に日本へ行って、日本語 を勉強することができるようになりました。日本語を勉強した後も、さらに大学で福 祉の勉強ができるようになりました。皆さんも日本へ行って勉強したい気持ちがあっ たら MJBD 日本語学校に連絡してください。MJBD の 先生は、私たちのために日 本語だけではなく、いろいろな事を教えてくれます。何も心配しないでまずは MJBD 日本語学校に相談してください。そして皆さんの夢をかなえてください。

Myanmar International Student Cherry Blossom

On March 27, five international students Tata, Aung, Han, Su, and Kang arrived at Nagoya International Airport successfully. Based on the welcome of the facility and university staff, I went to Chubu Gakuin University with a school bus prepared at the university and got a lunch at the university cafeteria, but I heard that he did not eat most in-flight meals of Vietnam Airlines, Even being tired, it was enough to leave a Japanese lunch boxed lunch.

In the afternoon at the Gifu City Hall, we were crowded at the end of the fiscal year, but somehow we finished registering the residents and finished joining the National Health Insurance. Then I visited Ina waves shrine in Gifu city which is also a cherry blossoming spot with their feet, and reported to Japan gods under the cherry blossoms trees in full bloom. And on the evening of that day, I had a dinner party at the house at the house, finally got tension and smiles seemed to come out.

On March 28, I first bought a market for a bicycle, while finishing various items, eventually I bought a new car of the same type at the home center, it was already in the evening that the West had already got, We went cycling for Yamadera seeking cherry blossoms. Just then at the mountain temple the sound of the bell ringing 'Gone' sounded, so I hurriedly went to the mountain bicycle and went to the temple to experience a bell-throwing experience. And, as a thank you to Mr. Kazuyasu of the temple, we showed the children's song 'Evening glow small burn' just practicing. Among the lyrics is there is a crimson saying 'The sunset is glowing with a sunset glow, the bell of the temple of the mountain becomes ...' as if the coincidence which they themselves overlap, Buddhist youths and Japanese priests met under the cherry blossoms of the mountain temple, it was like a movie scene.

On March 29th, I went to a tour of Tsubaki No Yuen and Sakurami Dorm in the elderly home where I take care of, and I finished the contract with the facility. It was possible to realize this study abroad only with the support of the facility. The director at the top of the facility gave us the encouragement word that we are hoping for international students in Myanmar as facilities. The facility was in the mountains, but the cherry blossoms were in full bloom everywhere, with cherry blossoms snowing in the cherry blossoms and some cherry blossoms that welcomed the students. While observing inside the facility, students showed the Japanese popular song 'Let's walk upward' that we practiced on the previous night together in front of the elderly people in the facility, Together with his pant, when I finished singing, I got big applause and cheers.

On March 30, I went to greet the house near my dormitory. Each person handed out Myanmar tea of ​​souvenir brought to Japan with a greeting word learned in Myanmar according to the textbook in Myanmar as 'It is boring ... (@ ^ ▽ ^ @)'. Some of the visiting houses returned students with spinach and broccoli harvested at their own home. It looked very fresh and tasty, so I seemed to have eaten the vegetables that I had for that evening meal in Myanmar. Because Japanese vegetables are very expensive compared to Myanmar, it is very helpful to students who are struggling.

On March 31, in the morning I went to volunteer at a child student after school day service facility. I took karuta with my Japanese children, made frying and eating and had fun. From daytime I went to the Kannon of the beautiful cherry blossoms and the main hall, climbed a little on the mountain and enjoyed the cherry blossoms tour.

On April 1st, everyone participated in the Spring Festival in the area. We gathered at a nearby shrine at 8 o'clock, and at the departure of the shrine, we introduced students to local residents from the self-governing president. The festival was very exciting as young young people from Myanmar participated. Four women carry kids mikoshi, Kang joined the adult shrine and toured the area for about 2 hours. At lunchtime, there was a festival launch dinner under the cherry blossom trees at the community hall in the area, I took part in Longzi and took part. Again, we showed Japanese songs 'Sunset small burn' and 'Let's walk up and walk'. Since they were singing the lyrics perfectly in just 5 days after coming to Japan, the people in the area were also surprised, but many Japanese young people and children do not know this song, many young people in Myanmar A wonderful feeling towards our lives in Japan has been conveyed. From my point of view, I will go to college elderly people in the community 'The day they will care for you' or 'They will work part-time and live on their own, if they have enough vegetables, they Please cheer for 'Please do it in a sharp ask. International students received a big welcome from the cherry blossoms in full bloom in Japan and local people in the last 6 days.

(Report MJBD Japanese side school leader Japanese supporter, Mr. Kazunaga Okita)


Myanmar is a really fascinating and wonderful country. There is no other country like Myanmar which is rich in natural and agricultural resources. Moreover, Myanmar, which is inspired by investors worldwide as the potential essence of Asia, becomes the center of attraction these years because it is located in the strategic location which looks like gate of East and West, Asia and ASEAN. Therefore, many foreign business people accept that Myanmar has a lot of potential benefits.

Today, investment community all over the world is seeing that Myanmar is changing and it is opening up globally. Apart from this, since it is a genuinely developing country which has many sectors left to improve, it becomes a huge market demanding almost everything from investors. Now, Myanmar is the best investment location in the world because of these enormous opportunities.

Consequently, we believe that it will be worth investing in Myanmar compared with other countries and we also want to pass this information to entrepreneurs and investors from foreign countries.

Please, don’t miss these exciting and best opportunities in this new era of Myanmar.


No.57, 2nd floor, 28th Street, lower block, Pabedan Township, Yangon, Myanmar

+959 262302069

Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Sat - Sun closed